After Months of negotiations, post election violence from the 2008 presidential run-off, Zanu PF’s Robert Mugabe signed a power-sharing agreement with MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC formation leader Arthur Mutambara. Mugabe became executive President, Tsvangirai as executive prime minister and Mutambara as deputy prime minster.
Zimbabwe 2008 Power-Sharing Agreement

President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, centre at the signing of the power sharing deal between him and Morgan Tsvangirai in Harare Monday, Sept, 15, 2008. Looking on , on the right is King Mswati 111 of Swaziland.

President Robert Mugabe, right, delivers his speech while the new Prime Minster Morgan Tsvangirai, left listens at the signing of the power sharing deal in Harare Monday, Sept, 15, 2008. Thousands of supporters of Zimbabwe's rival political parties pressed into the compound where their leaders just signed an historic power-sharing deal to cheer the leaders.

Morgan Tsvangirai speaks at his home a day after the historic signing of the power sharing deal which saw him becoming the new Prime Minister of Zimbabwe in Harare Tuesday, Sept, 16, 2008.