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Police Give Nelson Chamisa's Citizens Coalition for Change Greenlight to Hold Star Rally Amid Fears of Political Violence

FILE: Citizens for Coalition for Change members soon after some of them registered to participate in the forthcoming general election. (VOA)
FILE: Citizens for Coalition for Change members soon after some of them registered to participate in the forthcoming general election. (VOA)

The Zimbabwe Republic Police says the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa should go ahead with its star rally at Zimbabwe Grounds in Harare this Saturday to kick-start the party’s by-election campaign amid fears of election violence.

In a letter written to the Highfield CCC branch secretary, Harare South Police District said the rally should be held on condition that there won’t be people ferried in buses from other constituencies and that the party members won’t be toyi-toying and chanting slogans while going to Zimbabwe Grounds, among many issues.

The police said, “You are expected to control the behavior of your political party members before, during and after the launch. Your political members shall not intimidate passers-by and those who have nothing to do with your launch … Busing in of people from other constituencies is strictly prohibited.

“Your members shall not be involved in toyi-toying, convoying of vehicles of people chanting slogans and singing and disseminating hateful and defaming information. Carrying of dangerous weapons at your gathering shall be strictly prohibited. Cooperation with all government agencies is highly appreciated. Any deviation shall result in the dispersing of the crowd.”

Police also informed the CCC secretary for Highfield that the party should observe strict COVID-19 regulations outlined by the Zimbabwean government.

Meanwhile, some members of the CCC claim that they were beaten up in Harare by suspected Zanu PF activists, who told them to stop wearing yellow t-shirts. At the same time, some Zanu PF activists claim that they were attacked in Bulawayo a few days ago by suspected CCC members. Both parties have denied any involvement in the attacks.

Zimbabwe is expected to hold council and parliamentary by-elections next month.