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Mnangagwa Says Zanu PF, Government to Work With Mwonzora's MDC-T

FILE: Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivers his State of the nation address at the opening session of parliament in Harare, Oct. 1, 2019.
FILE: Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa delivers his State of the nation address at the opening session of parliament in Harare, Oct. 1, 2019.

Zimbabwean president Emmerson Mnangagwa says his government will work closely with the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T), which elected Douglas Mwonzora as the new leader of the party at an Extraordinary Congress held last Sunday.

In an address to the nation posted on his official Facebook page and monitored on state-controlled media, Mnangagwa said local people should work together for the benefit of the nation.

He said, “During this time of reflection and celebration, let us all pledge to re-commit ourselves to serve and work hard for the success and prosperity of our great country. In unity, peace and harmony, we are well able to overcome any tough times or situations that may come our way. A few days ago, the opposition MDC-T party held its elective Congress in full compliance with, and fulfillment of court judgments. Let me take this opportunity to formally and personally congratulate Senator Douglas Mwonzora for prevailing at that Congress.

Mnangagwa said his government has taken note of Mwonzora’s declared wish to guide and reshape the politics of opposition towards constructive engagement with the government of the day.

“This is a very welcome move for our nation which is likely to put politics of rancour behind us, thus triggering collaboration, development and the harmony we solely needed for national progress. Both as the ruling ZANU PF party and as the government, we assure Senator Mwonzora and the MDC-T leadership of collaboration towards the growth and prosperity of our nation.”

Once the pledge ad positive shift extended by the opposition happens a new chapter will indeed begin paving the way for consensual politics greater unity, peace harmony and accelerated development.