A meeting was held in Pretoria Monday between human rights organizations and officials of the South Africa Home Affairs ministry to discuss the issue of documenting Zimbabweans living in that country.
Zimbabwe Exiles Forum Director Gabriel Shumba, who also attended the Monday meeting told Studio 7 that the time given to Zimbabweans to obtain the South African papers was too short and most will be left out.
Elsewhere, Co-Home Affairs Minister Theresa Makone said Zimbabweans living in South Africa without documentation should approach the embassy and consulates in Pretoria and Johannesburg for assistance.
This follows reports that Zimbabweans living in South Africa would be forced to return home to acquire proper documentation instead of going to the embassy.
South Africa last week announced that a special dispensation for Zimbabweans in South Africa had been withdrawn and that all Zimbabweans in that country should be documented.
Minister Makone told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that even those without any documentation can still approach the embassy for assistance.