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Villagers in Northern Zimbabwe Flee Apparent Political Violence; Homes, Church Burned

Villagers in Muzarabani who support Prime Minister Tsvangirai's MDC formation fled their homes on Monday night after being attacked by suspected ZANU-PF militia who burned a church and a number of homes

About 16 families in Zimbabwe's Mashonaland Central province who belong to the Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai fled their homes Monday night after being attacked by suspected ZANU-PF militia who burned a church and homes, MDC sources said.

Party sources said the attacks came after the villagers attended an MDC rally addressed by Co-Minister for National Healing Sekai Holland on Sunday.

Muzarabani South MDC District Chairman Fred Matonhodze told VOA Studio 7 reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that villagers walked long distances to Saint Albert’s Business Centre to seek refuge.

Most parts of Zimbabwe have experienced such violence reminiscent of the 2008 election period since the formation of a unity government in 2009. But there has been talk of new elections in 2011 and debate over the revision of the constitution has also revived political tensions in hotly contested districts.

VOA was unable to obtain comment from ZANU-PF officials in Mashonaland Central or Harare.