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Opposition MDC-T Postpones Supreme Court-Sanctioned Congress

Thokozani Khupe and Nelson Chamisa.
Thokozani Khupe and Nelson Chamisa.

The opposition Movement for Democratic Change ((MDC-T) led by Thokozani Khupe has again postponed its Extraordinary Congress citing anomalies in the party’s voters roll.

In a statement signed by party chairperson, Morgen Komichi, the MDC-T said the Congress designed to replace the late MDC founding president, Morgan Tsvangirai, will be held at a date to be determined by the party’s top decision-making body outside congress, the National Standing Committee.

“Please be advised that after exhaustive deliberations of the National Standing Committee the Extraordinary Congress that should take place Saturday19th December, 2020, has been moved further to a date to be advised soon.

“The postponement has been necessitated by a number of technical, logistical and administrative issues some of which have affected the production of a credible and acceptable list of delegates (Electoral College) to EOC. The processes of cleaning up and certifying the Electoral College is ongoing, therefore the EOC cannot go ahead on the 19th December, 2020. We apologise for the inconvenience this postponement has caused. New dates and venues will be communicated as soon as possible.”

Khupe allegedly clashed with bitter rival, Douglas Mwonzora, over the party’s voters’ roll ahead of the Congress, which has been postponed several times due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues.

Mwonzora, Khupe, Komichi and Elias Mudzuri are contesting the presidential post.

Party organizing secretary, Abednico Bhebhe, on Thursday attempted to block the Congress but a Bulawayo court postponed his case with the applicant noting that he had other plans.

MDC-T presidential spokesperson, Khaliphani Pugeni, declined to comment while Mwonzora, Komichi and Mudzuri were unavailable for comment as they were not responding to calls on their mobile phones.

The Supreme Court, which nullified Nelson Chamisa’s leadership of the MDC, ordered the MDC-T to hold an Extraordinary Congress to replace Tsvangirai, who died in 2018.