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President Donald Trump delivers a televised address to the nation from his desk in the Oval Office about immigration and the southern U.S. border on the 18th day of a partial government shutdown at the White House in Washington, Jan. 8, 2019.
President Donald Trump delivers a televised address to the nation from his desk in the Oval Office about immigration and the southern U.S. border on the 18th day of a partial government shutdown at the White House in Washington, Jan. 8, 2019.

Trump Makes Case for Southern Border Wall, Democrats Respond

In his first prime-time address from the Oval Office, U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the nation Tuesday on why the wall along the U.S.-Mexico border must be funded. After Trump's address, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer provided the Democratic response.

Here's President Trump's address:

President Trump Addresses Nation About Southern Border
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​And the Democratic leaders' response:

Pelosi, Schumer Respond to Trump Address on Border Security
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