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Zimbabwe Opposition Party Leader Dabengwa in UK to Seek British Support

Dumiso Dabengwa, in the United Kingdom to meet with the British wing of his party and lobby for British support for his party, said ZAPU is on a mission to restore a democratic Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe African People's Union President Dumiso Dabengwa,Wednesday addressed a meeting at the Chatham House research institute in the United Kingdom where he outlined the vision for Zimbabwe of the reconstituted liberation era party.

Dabengwa said his party is on a mission to restore a democratic Zimbabwe.

Dabengwa, in the UK to meet with the British wing of his party and lobby for support for his party, said ZAPU is on a mission to restore a democratic Zimbabwe.

Zenzo Ncube, a member of ZAPU’s European-based National Peoples Council, told VOA reporter Brenda Moyo that ZAPU will continue to lobby for a devolved state. The party's popular base is in western Matabeleland, home of the Ndebele-speaking minority.

After independence was won in 1980, the ZAPU party of liberation figure Joshua Nkomo clashed with the Zimbabwe African National Union of then-Prime Minister Robert Mugabe, with fighting in Matabeleland where many civilians are alleged to have been massacred.

The defeated ZAPU merged with ZANU in 1987 with the signature of the Unity Accord to form the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front, or ZANU-PF. Robert Mugabe became the nation's executive president and Joshua Nkomo became vice president.