The Zimbabwe cabinet has approved a draft code of conduct that seeks to compel political parties to publicly campaign against violence and forbid harassment of opponents, among other issues.
Co-chairperson, Sekai Holland of the National Healing Organ said her ministry consulted people at the grassroots level before coming up with the code, which includes a policy that focuses on infrastructure for peace.
“The policy document and the principals are now going to the attorney general's office, who drafts bills and then come back to the cabinet committee that drafts Bills," Holland said. "Whatever comes out of cabinet will go into the legislature.”
“The incoming information will be debated and that is what will give us the Peace and Reconciliation Act, which will give birth to a national peace and reconciliation council."
Holland added: "This council is expected to have nine members who will be tasked to come up with a structure that will address issues of national healing and come up with mechanisms to deal with Zimbabwe’s culture of violence."
Critics dismiss the code, which is a voluntary document for and by political parties, as a waste of time and money.
The solution to politically-motivated violence, they say, is the establishment of a non-partisan police force which applies the law without fear or favor.