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Zimbabwe Civil Servants Adamant That Government Must Boost Salaries

Public Service Association Executive Secretary Emmanuel Tichareva said civil servants are resolute on their pay demands, arguing that the government can afford to increase salaries if national priorities are correct

Negotiations in Zimbabwe on public sector salaries hit a snag this week when the government offered to boost monthly paychecks into to a range of US$150 to US$236, but was rebuffed by representatives of state workers.

Representatives of civil servants are demanding total compensation of US$630 a month, including allowances for housing and transport.

Public Service Minister Eliphas Mukonoweshuro has played down a deadline of 14 days set by public worker representatives. But there is clearly mounting pressure on the government to bring public sector pay into line with the real costs of everyday living - though Harare is still seriously strapped.

For more on the public sector demands, VOA Studio 7 reporter Patience Rusere turned to Public Service Association Executive Secretary Emmanuel Tichareva and economist Godfrey Kanyenze, head of the Labor and Economic Development Research Institute of Zimbabwe, which is affiliated with the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions.

Tichareva said civil servants are resolute on their demands, arguing that the government can afford to meet these if priorities are right.