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Zimbabwe Family Raises $2,400 for Repatriating Mother's Body Home

The late Susan Muroyiwa (right) with her daughter Chiwoneso Mpofu. (Photo: Chiwonese Mpofu's Facebook)
The late Susan Muroyiwa (right) with her daughter Chiwoneso Mpofu. (Photo: Chiwonese Mpofu's Facebook)

At least $2,400 has been raised for the late ZBC-TV actor and Kidsznet presenter, Susan Muroyiwa, who died in America a few days ago.

Her daughter, Chiwoneso Mpofu, tells VOA Studio 7 her family is now looking for more than $9,000 for the repatriation of her mother’s body back to Zimbabwe.

Mpofu is raising money through two web-based crowd funding applications - and

The fundraising team for the late Muroyiwa said, “We are grateful for the tremendous support and contributions you have given towards Gogo Muroyiwa's funeral expenses and repatriation costs.

“We wish to advise you that we now have a quotation from the funeral home. The funeral home has quoted us $8,800.00. The final invoice will be given to us at the airport when they hand the body over to the airline.

"We expect total costs to be close to $11,000 covering the funeral home and other expenses. We thank you all for your donations and for spreading the word around.”

The team also advised members of the public that a memorial service for the late former educations will be held Saturday in Savannah (22 Jurgensen St., Savannah, GA 31404), Georgia at 12:00 pm.

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More than $44,000 has so far been raised using for two other Zimbabweans, Nancy Tinoza and Morlene Tariro Magoronga, who died a few days ago in USA.

The memorial service for Tinoza is set to be held in Virginia on Saturday.