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Zimbabwe's Top Lawyers Join Hands to Give Free Legal Advice

The majority of people in Zimbabwe cannot afford high legal fees due to the current harsh economic situation. (File Photo)
The majority of people in Zimbabwe cannot afford high legal fees due to the current harsh economic situation. (File Photo)

The Law Society of Zimbabwe, private attorneys, non-profit organisations, the police and Zimbabwe Prisons will this Saturday conduct free legal clinics for the public in Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, and Masvingo.

The executive secretary of the law society, Edward Mapara, says the first clinic was held Saturday in Harare at the Africa Unity Square.

“This is part of our spirit of pro bono work and also helping the public to be more aware of some of their rights pertaining to different issues," says Mapara.

Mapara says the public is free to visit their legal clinics to consult on issues affecting them. He adds this is the legal sector’s one-way of giving back to the community.

Mapara says some of the country’s top lawyers will be on call to help the public Saturday.

In Masvingo, the free legal clinic will be held at Civic Centre, in Mutare at the Meikles Park, in Bulawayo at the Youth Centre and at the Civic Center in Gweru.

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