Movement for Democratic Change Alliance activists – Joanna Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri - have filed a Z$15 million lawsuit following the leaking of their nude photographs on social media allegedly taken by an investigations officer while they were admitted at Park Town Hospital in Harare, according to an online publication, ZimLive.
The publication reports that Mamombe is demanding Z$10 million while Chimbiri is claiming Z$5 million in damages caused by the public circulation of the photos on social media. The two and their colleague, Netsai Marova, were receiving treatment at the hospital when they were allegedly photographed by a chief superintendent only identified as Phillip.
Police Commissioner General Godwin Matanga and Justice Minister Kazembe Kazembe are cited in the lawsuit. The MDC Alliance activists are represented by the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights.
Matanga and Kazembe were unreachable for comment as they were not responding to calls on their mobile phones.