Zimbabwe's non-governmental National Constitutional Assembly said Monday that it has expelled the Movement for Democratic Change formation led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai for its participation in the parliamentary-led constitutional revision process.
The NCA said it had also terminated the membership of some civic organizations.
NCA spokesman Madock Chivasa said the organization's consultative assembly decided on Sunday to expel the Tsvangirai MDC wing from its membership.
From the outset of Zimbabwe's constitutional revision process, the NCA has said that the process should be in the hands of a constitutional committee or congress with significant representation of civil society, rather than being run by a select parliamentary committee which it said was likely to be heavily influenced by political party interests.
The NCA has pledged to lobby for a "No" vote in an eventual national referendum on the draft constitution which the select committee says should be ready by September.
Chivasa told VOA Studio 7 reporter Jonga Kandemiiri his group will officially inform the organizations expelled from the NCA as soon as its secretary draws up a full list.
Tsvangirai MDC spokesman Douglas Mwonzora said his party was not aware of the NCA decision and said the MDC hoped the NCA will follow its constitution in the matter.