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London-based Zimbabwean Woman Sponsors Opposition Candidates To Defeat Zanu-PF

Barbara Nyagomo-Mambo
Barbara Nyagomo-Mambo

Many Zimbabweans living in the diaspora, try to as much as possible to stay away from politics, while still helping the country develop in ways such as supplying school books or contributing to the construction of churches, or other activities.

But that is not the case with Barbara Nyagomo, a health and social worker living in Britain, who has taken the controversial path of sponsoring opposition candidates, in Zimbabwe, to defeat the ruling Zanu-PF party in elections. She said she realized that many candidates often don’t have the interest of their constituencies at heart, and she wanted to change that.

“We have big business people who come from other parts of the country, who don’t even know the specific community needs, who are actually in parliament. So I decided to work towards that.”

In the just ended June 10th by-elections, where Zanu-PF won all the contested seats, Nyagomo sponsored four candidates, out of her own money, to run under the under the Progressive Democrats Of Zimbabwe.

“Cash-wise, I’ve got four candidates, so about $3,000 each, which is a total of $12,000. And we’ve also had a lot of volunteers in all constituencies, about 178 election agencies, two at each station.”

Nyagomo has set her goals high, and plans to see her party’s candidates cruise right through to the 2018 presidential elections, where President Robert Mugabe is expected to contest as the Zanu-PF candidate.

“I think we are going to do very well, if we strategically move, because we are at a point where people need new ideas, new politics, young people, youth and women to participate.”

As for her own, personal presidential ambitions, possibly becoming the first female president of Zimbabwe?

“I am praying for that,” Nyagomo said.

Nyagomo said she is open to working with anyone who shares her vision for a better Zimbabwe.

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