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82 Year Old Zimbabwean Takes Care of Senior Citizens

Florence Ndlovu, Founder, Chengetanai Old People's Home, Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West Province.
Florence Ndlovu, Founder, Chengetanai Old People's Home, Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West Province.

Eighty-two year old Chinhoyi woman, Florence Ndlovu, populary known as Ambuya Howard in Mashonaland West Province, has been taking care of senior citizens since 1984.

Today her Chengetanai Old Peoples Home, situated in the heart of Chinhoyi’s oldest suburb,, Hunyani, is home to 28 elderly people.

Ndlovu told Studio 7 that some local businesspeople helped her to set up the home after realizing that some Zimbabwean of Malawian and Zambian descent had no decent life after working for years.

Residents of Chengetanai Old People's Home, Chinhoyi
Residents of Chengetanai Old People's Home, Chinhoyi

She said the stranded senior citizens do not have any source of income, resulting in starvation and exposure to inclement weather conditions.

Ndlovu, a Christian, says no senior citizen Chinhoyi, Mashonaland West province, will suffer while she is still alive.

Hundreds of former farm labourers, who used to work for white commercial farmers whose land was forcibly taken by the government, are among the destitute citizens.

Interview with Florence Ndlovu, Chengetanai Old People's Home, Chinhoyi
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