U.S. President Obama Inspires Exiled Zimbabwean Businessman to Start Youth Program

The organization has already started lobbying South African institutions of higher learning to sponsor local youths and mould them into better leaders of tomorrow

Exiled Zimbabwean businessman, James Makamba has launched a youth-oriented program in Zimbabwe and South Africa to help underprivileged youths with educational needs.

Under his newly-formed charity called Inspired By Barack And Michelle Obama, Makamba's organization aims to take youths off the streets and put them back in school with the objective of moulding them into better future leaders.

Makamba's organisation has already started lobbying South African institutions of higher learning to sponsor local youths.

IBBAMO Programmes Director, Agnes Hove-Chiweshe told VOA Studio 7 reporter Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye the organisation is identifying youths who have their potential to support and helping them achieve a better future.