President Kenyatta Calls for End to Zimbabwe Sanctions

President Uhuru Kenyatta and President Emmerson Mnangagwa

Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, called Wednesday for international sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe to be lifted.

Kenyatta was speaking outside the State House in Nairobi, in the presence of his Zimbabwean counterpart, Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was on an official visit.

"We will continue with our support of Zimbabwe against the illegal sanction, that have been imposed on that country and continue to cause undue problems, issues, and trouble for the people of Zimbabwe. And this we consider to be unfair for these hardships are artificially created and we continue to call on the international communities to remove these illegal sanctions.

Speaking at the same occasion, Mnangagwa said, “I thank Kenya for this support and solidarity for Zimbabwe in the call for the unconditional removal of unilateral sanctions that were imposed on Zimbabwe by some western countries."

Sanctions were imposed in 2003 by the United States, United Kingdom and other Western nations in response to human rights abuses and alleged election rigging during the rule of Robert Mugabe. (AP)