Hyenas Maul 3 Villagers

A villager attacked hyenas recovering at Masvingo Hospital.

Villagers in Zimbabwe’s south-eastern Masvingo province say they are living in fear after three locals were badly mauled by hyenas.

The villagers in Chipinza, Nyakunhuhwa and Bota in Zaka District told VOA Zimbabwe Service the hyenas are also attacking livestock in what appears to be a serious conflict between human and wildlife.

Most of their children are no longer going to school amid fears that they may be attacked by these meat-loving animals.

The injured villagers - Rwativenga Maroyi, Robert Maroyi and his wife, Muchaneta Munodya, are at Masvingo Provincial Hospital.

Robert Maroyi brother, Timothy, said his wife lost both hands during the attack near the family’s cattle crawl where they were attempting to kill livestock. “She is in pain as she lost both hands. It’s tragic as they also attacked her husband.”

Villagers are now accompanying their children to school due to the marauding hyenas. Mrs. Hilda Dzoro, said, “Hyenas are terrorizing us. We have informed all the relevant authorities including the local chief. The hyenas are killing our cattle and goats and terrorizing villagers. We are so scared that we are now taking our children to school. We fear that they will attack children if they are unaccompanied to and from school. The situation is very scary.”

Edaward Njiko of Nyakunhuhwa said they have stopped children from going to school. “We want the relevant ministry and other relevant government entities to get rid of these hyenas before taking our children back to school. If this is not done, they won’t return to school.”

The Department of Wildlife Management says it is in the process of getting rid of these hyenas that are terrorizing villagers.