CCC Lawmaker Job Sikhala Says Zimbabwe Freedom Coming Soon Despite Detention of Party Activists

  • Gibbs Dube

Job Sikhala is currently detained at Chikurubi Maximum Prison with 15 other opposition Citizens Coalition for Change members.

Detained Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) lawmaker, Job Sikhala, says he is a political prisoner together with 15 other party members, who were arrested three months ago for allegedly inciting violence and obstructing the course of justice.

In a letter to Zimbabweans, Sikhala said, “We are victims of our beliefs, beliefs which we dearly hold, the belief that Zimbabwe must be a free society devoid of callous murders and killings of those holding differing views and opinions. We are suffering and being persecuted for loving our Country and the downtrodden in our society, with all our hearts and soul.

“Beloved Zimbabweans, we dearly love our Country and everyone living in it to the core, Zimbabwe belongs to all of us and we will strive forever for a society of equality and happiness. Your overwhelming support is echoing here through the walls of Chikurubhi Maximum Security Prison. We are NOT criminals. We are political prisoners of a regime that is scared of its people. It must be known, however, that Zimbabweans are not fools nor cowards as envisaged. They are just cautious and patient.”

Sikhala said former president Hassan Omar Al Bashir thought likewise in Sudan before people power taught him otherwise.

“The people of Zimbabwe are boiling with anger and it has reached a tipping point. Even accomplices in our persecution know it. Zimbabwe is a Country of unhappy, poverty-stricken and tormented souls. Our persecution and torment are a testimony of the generality of every Zimbabwean.

“Only the evil and looters and their compt kins rejoice in our suffering, whilst I and you live like paupers in our own country. The hour of the people’s power shall come and we shall have tears of joy. We shall be witnesses to this grand occasion during our lifetime. Your support, dear Zimbabweans, is needed most during this crucial hour of our country’s history. We seek your full resolve to stand with us and speak out about the injustices of the movement being perpetrated upon us.”

Sikhala and another CCC lawmaker Godfrey Sithole, together with 14 others arrested in Nyatsime following the killing of party activist Moreblessin Ali by suspected Zanu PF activists, have been detained for 100 days.

Sikhala said, “Our arrest was followed by the arrest of 14 other innocent citizens, 3 of them with us here at Chikurubhi Maximum Security Prison and the other 11 detained at Harare Remand Prison. As correctly pointed out by Prof Ibbo Mandaza and 115 others’ petition, our arrest is purely political persecution by a regime afraid of dissent and democratic discourse in the Country.”

Mandaza, who is a political analyst and over 100 other Zimbabweans, recently signed a petition seeking the release on bail of Sikhala and other activists locked up at Chikurubi Maximum Prison.

Prison officials were unreachable for comment as they were not responding to calls on their mobile phones.