Zimbabwe NGOs Express Satisfaction With UN Envoy’s Report

Zimbabwean civil society representatives who met with UN special envoy Anna Tibaijuka during her two-week fact-finding mission into the impact of Operation Murambatsvina, Harare’s campaign to demolish unlicensed homes and business premises, expressed satisfaction Friday with the report she issued.

National Director Alois Chaumba of the Catholic Commission on Justice and Peace said the report properly staked out the position that the government’s crackdown was inhumane and violated basic human rights.

But Mr. Chaumba noted that the government continued to harass the people it had driven from their homes, pointing to the forced removal late this week from two holding camps of families and individuals who were transported to the countryside and left to fend for themselves in undetermined locations.

National Constitutional Assembly Chairman Lovemore Madhuku, a prominent member of the political opposition and a central figure in the Broad Coalition of political, labor and civic groups that formed in opposition to the government’s campaign and mounted a general strike, praised Mrs. Tibaijuka’s work.

Mr. Madhuku spoke from Harare with reporter Carole Gombakomba of VOA’s Studio 7 for Zimbabwe.

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