More Remains To Be Done For Zimbabwe Demolition Victims - UN Envoy

With another rainy season approaching, many of the estimated 700,000 people made homeless by Harare's 2005 forced eviction and demolition campaign are still living in the open in holding camps around the country. Recent reports by human rights groups have said that very few of those driven from their homes have been re-housed under the government reconstruction program called Operation Garikai, or "Live Well."

Zimbabwean human rights organizations have recently reported the resumption of forced evictions and demolitions in selected areas of Harare. Against this backdrop, World Habitat Day came and went last week with little fanfare in the country.

Reporter Blessing Zulu of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe interviewed Anna Tibaijuka, director of the Nairobi, Kenya, based United Nations Habitat agency and the former U.N. special envoy whose report on the 2005 campaign brought it to a halt.

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