Zimbabwe Women's Soccer In SADC-Sponsored Reorganization

Top Zimbabwe football officials joined other regional soccer authorities for a three-day seminar in Namibia aimed at strengthening women's soccer in Southern Africa by the dissemination of best practices followed by grass-roots sports elections at home.

Zimbabwe Football Association Chairman Wellington Nyatanga led the delegation.

Zimbabwean officials were to present papers to the seminar on the development of women's soccer in the country. The seminar is designed to bolster women's football organizations in the Southern African Development Community, or SADC.

The meeting will promote the establishment of a development plan for women's soccer in each SADC member country. Participants were to agree on best practices.

Upon the return of the delegation to Zimbabwe, elections are to be held on Sunday at regional football offices to establish governing structures in the country's Northern, Southern and Eastern regions, preparatory to a national governing structure.

Reporter Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe spoke with Women’s Soccer Secretary General Eucebia Nleya-Maseko on the impact of the local elections and how the Namibia seminar would benefit the women's sport.

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