Harare Vows To Fight Corruption - But Critics Doubt Political Will

Harare has again declared its desire to stamp out corruption, but some wonder if there is really the political will to clean up a government plagued by scandals.

Anti-Corruption Minister Paul Mangwana, speaking in Bulawayo on International Anti-Corruption Day, said such crime jeopardizes development. He said everyone should fight corruption, which he said is fueled by “loopholes in the legal framework and a fragmented anti-corruption policy.” The minister noted that Zimbabwe has ratified conventions on corruption of both the African Union and United Nations.

However, Anti-Corruption Commission Chairman Johannes Tomana recently criticized Harare for failing to crack down hard enough on official corruption.

Reporter Ndimyake Mwakalyelye of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe spoke with chairman Goodwill Shana of Transparency International who told her that such anti-corruption statements mean nothing in the absence of the political will to enforce them.

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