Harare City Council Demands Rates Arrears From Civic Group Chief

The City of Harare has written a letter of final demand for unpaid rates to Combined Harare Residents Association Chairman Mike Davies, who has in his capacity as a resident of the city been refusing to pay rates for the past 27 months.

The council wrote to Davies on January 29 and threatened that if he failed to pay back rates within seven days the city would take legal action against him. It is claiming some Z$143,523 from Davies. But Davies said no action has subsequently been taken.

Davies has been spearheading a campaign calling for the boycott of water and refuse disposal rates to protest what his group regards as an illegal city commission. As many as 5,000 residents are withholding rates, but many more simply cannot afford them.

Davies told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that the Harare Commission does not have the interests of the city’s residents at heart.

Council spokesman Percy Toriro could not be reached for comment.

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