Zimbabwe Teachers Suspicious As Unnamed Sources Solicit Personal Details

Zimbabwe teachers said they are suspicious of some forms that are being distributed around the country for them to fill in, by unknown sources including uniformed police.

The form, in Studio 7's possession, requires teachers' personal details including a photograph. However the form has no letterhead or details of its origin.

Peter Mabhande, president of the Zimbabwe Teachers Association, one of the three teachers' representative unions, confirmed the distribution of the forms but said his association is urging teachers not to give out personal information to strangers.

Mabhande said the President's Office and the Ministry of Education have denied any involvement in the distribution of the forms.

Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe general secretary Raymond Majongwe told Studio 7 reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that they suspect the information being collected will be used against their members during political witch-hunts.

More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...