Australia Puts 27 New Names On Zimbabwe Targeted Sanctions List

The Reserve Bank of Australia has added 27 new names to its list of government and ruling party officials whose financial assets could be frozen if located under Australian jurisdiction,bringing to 183 the number of Zimbabwean officials on its sanctions list.

Canberra meanwhile removed three individuals from the list including Elizabeth Nerwande, who left her government position, and two men now deceased: member of parliament Tinos Rusere and former information Minister Tichaona Jokonya.

Added to the list were deputy ministers Tracey Mutinhiri, Walter Mzembi, Aguy Georgias, Titus Maluleke and Lazarus Dokora, along with Senator Dzikamai Mavhaire, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Deputy Chair Joyce Kazembe and Misheck Sibanda, chief secretary to President Robert Mugabe and his cabinet.

Senior managers of state-owned enterprises were also new to the list: Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings Chairman Justin Mutasa, Broadcasting Authority Chairman and Herald newspaper Editor Pikirai Deketeke, and Zimbabwe Tourism Authority chief Karikoga Kaseke, among others.

Despite such expansions of Australian, U.S. and European sanctions, International Relations Professor Steven Chan of the University of London’s School of Oriental and African studies told VOA reporter Carole Gombakomba that West should re-evaluate such sanctions because they are not achieving their intended objectives.

But University of Zimbabwe senior lecturer and political analyst John Makumbe said Canberra's decision was correct because it will have an impact in Harare.

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