FIFA Examines Zimbabwe's Capacity To Host Visitors During 2010 Cup

Some are expressing doubt about Zimbabwe’s capacity to host visitors on their way to the 2010 World Cup of soccer in South Africa. The debate was sparked by the visit of a delegation from the International Federation Of Association Football to assess accommodations and other facilities for World Cup ticket-holders.

The FIFA inspection tour comes at a time when Zimbabwe faces severe shortages of food and other essentials, including fuel. But optimists say such problems won’t deter FIFA from giving Zimbabwe a thumbs-up to serve as a way-station to the World Cup 2010.

For two different perspectives, reporter Marvellous Mhlanga-Nyahuye of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe turned to former FIFA administrator Leonard Nkala and Premier Soccer League General Secretary Kennedy Ndebele.

Ndebele said Zimbabwe is likely to pass muster.

More details from VOA's Studio 7 For Zimbabwe...