At Least Nine Die In Cholera Outbreak In Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe

An outbreak of cholera has claimed at least nine lives in Chitungwiza, Zimbabwe, and another 30 people have been admitted to the central hospital in the Harare satellite town. Unconfirmed reports said as many as 19 people had died at the hospital since Tuesday.

The worst affected areas of Chitungwiza were said to Units O and Unit K where burst sewer pipes have long been a common sight. Local sources added that residents are drawing water from unprotected wells because the local water supply system has broken down.

A Chitungwiza municipal official said authorities have sent bowsers, or water tanker trucks, to the affected areas to provide residents with clean drinking water.

VOA was unable to reach Health Minister David Parirenyatwa for comment on the outbreak.

Chitungwiza South member of parliament Misheck Shoko of the Movement for Democratic Change told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that he is urging residents to avoid shaking hands and to stop buying produce from open-air markets.

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