Zimbabwe Central Bank Governor's Reappointment Draws Heavy Fire

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's reappointment of Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono for another five year term drew sharp fire Wednesday from the main formation of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change.

MDC founder and prime minister-designate Morgan Tsvangirai said the reappointment of the central bank chief in the midst of negotiations on power sharing between the two groupings of the MDC and Mr. Mugabe's ZANU-PF displayed "a lack of good faith."

"This individual, who has been the architect of Zimbabwe's economic collapse and has blatantly plundered the national treasury to fund ZANU-PF and its elite, has been rewarded with another five-year term," Tsvangirai declared in a broad policy statement.

"Surely, if Mr. Mugabe was genuine in his desire to address the problems facing the country he would not breach the global political agreement (on power sharing signed Sept. 15) by making any senior appointments unilaterally."

Analysts said the economy has been devastated under Gono’s stewardship with inflation according to one U.S. monetary expert hitting some 89 sextillion percent. The last time the government offered price data it said inflation ran at 231 million percent in July.

Spokesman Nelson Chamisa of Tsvangirai’s MDC formation said Gono's reappointment violates the power-sharing pact signed onSept.15.

Economist Prosper Chitambara said Mr. Mugabe reappointed Gono for short-term political reasons, but the move has longer-term consequences.

More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...