Student Activists Detained at University of Zimbabwe, Handed Over to Police

Security guards at the University of Zimbabwe on Wednesday detained Zimbabwe National Students Union President Clever Bere and 13 other activists after Bere addressed students on the Avondale campus, then handed them over to the police, sources said.

The student leader spoke to a crowd of students unhappy about high tuition fees and poor accommodations. Several student activists remained in police hands late Wednesday.

Sources in the student union said four activists remained in police hands.

Elsewhere, about 300 students demonstrated at Great Zimbabwe University in Masvingo demanding an explanation from officials as to why fees have risen so high.

Students are asked to pay hundreds of U.S. dollars a semester in tuition.

Students Solidarity Trust Programs Officer Darlington Madzonga told VOA reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that the student leaders were detained shortly after Bere spoke.

More reports from VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe...