Residents of Zimbabwe Capital Protest Purchase of US$153K Mercedes for Mayor

The Combined Harare Residents Association said the city council of Zimbabwean capital has wasted public funds on luxury vehicles at the expense of services by allocating US$153,000 to buy a Mercedes Benz ML320 CDI for Mayor Muchadei Masunda.

The city spent another US$30,000 on a lesser Mercedes for his wife, Fikile, sources said.

The residents association said it will ask Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai to take action in the matter, and is also urging a boycott of water and other local rates in protest.

CHRA Programs Manager Justice Mavedzenge told VOA Studio 7 reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that residents are outraged at what seem to be misplaced priorities on the council.

The council said it sees nothing wrong in buying cars for use by the mayor and his team.

Harare Deputy Mayor Emmanuel Chiroto said the residents association should have sought clarification from city officials before launching a protest campaign.

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