Zimbabwe Publisher Fires Editor Before New Daily Newspaper Hits Streets

The publishers of the Zimbabwe Independent and Standard weeklies have fired the journalist who was engaged as editor in chief of the proposed Newsday daily newspaper before the paper's launch and six months after signing him on to spearhead the project.

Sources at the ZimInd Group in Harare said Barnabas Thodhlana, a former writer-editor with the Independent, was sacked for undetermined reasons as the publishers produced dummy runs of the planned daily newspaper.

Sources said management was unhappy with Thodlana because he failed to recruit journalists waiting in the wings for a relaunch of the Daily News, which the state closed in 2003.

ZimInd Chief Executive Trevor Ncube said his group parted amicably with Thodhlana.

But Thodhlana told VOA Studio 7 reporter Sandra Nyaira he was fired because the company did not want to keep paying him while awaiting a license to publish Newsday.

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