Air Zimbabwe Domestic Flights Remain Grounded as Crews Demand Pay

  • Gibbs Dube
Airline acting chief executive Innocent Mavhunga said flights linking Harare with Victoria Falls and Bulawayo had to be canceled as the disgruntled workers refused to return to work until paid arrears

Air Zimbabwe failed to resume domestic flights as scheduled on Monday after pilots, engineers and other crew demanded payment of outstanding salaries and allowances amounting to US$35 million going back to 2009.

Air Zimbabwe Acting Chief Executive Innocent Mavhunga said flights linking Harare with Victoria Falls and Bulawayo were canceled due to the work stoppage.

Mavhunga said management is engaging the workers to resolve the pay dispute. β€œIt is unfortunate that these internal problems are resurfacing,” he said.

The airline suspended international and domestic flights a month ago due to a crippling debt US$140 million and fears creditors would impound planes at foreign airports.

Mavhunga said it is unclear when domestic flights will resume.

Lawmaker Willas Mudzimure, a member of Parliament's budget, finance and investment committee, said it is impossible for government to bail out the national carrier.