Anxiety As Zimbabwe Government Threatens More White Farmers With Evictions

  • Chris Gande

Anxiety is high within the remaining white commercial farmers following new threats from acting President Emmerson Mnangagwa that government will soon intensify land grabs.

Mnangagwa was speaking to his supporters at the week end in Chirumanzu-Zibaggwe at a ceremony to bid them farewell following his appointment as vice president.

Mnangagwa reportedly said the fresh farm seizures will target white farmers, black multiple farm-owners and will reduce farm sizes.

“Now we are focusing on developing our country. Political stability in our country, this, as Zanu PF, we guarantee. Our country is stable. Our country shall continue to be stable. Our challenge as a nation, as a country is to develop and make sure each family has food on the table,” he said.

This comes amid reports that some indigenous farmers who grabbed white commercial farms are partnering with white farmers or being used as fronts.

For example, the state-controlled Sunday Mail reported that former Zanu PF administrative secretary, Didymus Mutasa owns 15 farms which he parceled out to other people.

We spoke to commercial farmers’ union spokesman, Hendrik Olivier who says the future for the remaining white commercial farmers is dire.

“The reports are quite disturbing but of course I think he was somehow misquoted because he said there was going to be some kind of land audit,” said Olivier.

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Interveiw With Hendrik Olivier