EFF Leader Julius Malema to Visit Restaurants to Check South Africans, Foreigners' Employment Ratios

  • Gibbs Dube
Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema expected to visit restaurants in Midrand, South Africa. (Courtesy Photo: EFF/Twitter)

Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema expected to visit restaurants in Midrand, South Africa. (Courtesy Photo: EFF/Twitter)

Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader, Julius Malema, is expected to visit restaurants in Midrand, South Africa, on Wednesday to check the employment ratios of foreigners and locals, in what appears to be an onslaught on foreigners, especially Zimbabweans.

In a tweet, EFF said, “The visit will consist of an interaction between Julius Malema and the management of these restaurants, to check their labour policies, staff compliment and ensure that our fellow Africans are not exploited and locals are employed to a satisfactory level.

“The visit will be conducted … in Kreme Restaurant, Mall of Africa, Midrand.”

His visit comes at a time when an organization calling itself South Africa First is already evicting some Zimbabweans from houses and markets selling an assortment of wares.

The South African government recently launched a crackdown on Zimbabwean illegal immigrants and sent back home soon after their arrest in the Musina area.

Thousands of Zimbabweans have been deported since the crackdown closely monitored by Home Affairs Minister Pakishe Aaron Motsoaledi.

The Zimbabwean government has not yet reacted to the deportations.