Media and Information Deputy Minister Supa Mandiwanzira says issues affecting the media industry in the country will soon be a thing of the past after the completion and implementation of the Information and Media Panel of Iinquiry recommendations.
Mandiwanzira told Studio 7 that as Zimbabwe joined the rest of the world in commemorating the International Day of Press Freedom there has been a marked change on the media landscape compared to the situation before his ministry took over last year.
“We are quite sure that this inquiry will lead to positive changes in the media,” he said.
The panel, led by veteran journalist Geof Nyarota, is expected to democratize and professionalize the media industry, both private and public. It has not been given a deadline but is currently holding consultative meetings throughout the country.
Nyarota recently told the media: “We are mandated to provide a report on our findings to the Ministry. We are going to make some recommendations that we think if implemented can reconfigure our media to become a good profession. We have been given four months to finish this task and I hope we can complete within that period. I am happy that we are getting the support from Minister Moyo and Parliament.”