Million Man March: Mugabe Vows to Stay in Power

  • Thomas Chiripasi

Thousands of people are attending the million man march in Harare

[5/25, 8:49 AM] : We are now an independent Africa
[5/25, 8:58 AM] : I have never said I want to be the president
[5/25, 8:58 AM] : It's the people who chose me
[5/25, 9:01 AM] : Mugabe says it's not the norm for leaders to crave power, says some are consulting n'angas
[5/25, 9:02 AM] : Says factionalism is destroying the party
[5/25, 9:21 AM] : Mugabe calls for unity
[5/25, 9:23 AM] : No tribe should boast seniority over another tribe
[5/25, 9:24 AM] : We will give land to the youth,says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:28 AM] : Everyone has a right to have a stand regardless of political affiliation, says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:29 AM] : Youths should be in self-employment
[5/25, 9:32 AM] : Our youths must be disciplined and should avoid violence, says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:37 AM] : There must not be any discordant voices in the party
[5/25, 9:37 AM] : War veterans should work within the party
[5/25, 9:38 AM] : Little groups are treasonous
[5/25, 9:44 AM] : Food must not be distributed partisanly
[5/25, 9:48 AM] : Mugabe says to those calling for his retirement to go and hang
[5/25, 9:48 AM] : "I am not going anywhere", says Mugabe.

President Mugabe now addressing the crowd

[5/25, 8:12 AM]: Grace says Mugabe is irreplaceable

[5/25, 8:10 AM]: Graces says Mugabe was chosen by God

[5/25, 8:09 AM]: Grace addresses her husband as sekuru

[5/25, 8:07 AM]: Grace takes to the podium

[5/25, 7:49 AM]: Chipanga says production must increase to revive the economy
[5/25, 7:50 AM]: Chipanga attacks ministers for driving luxurious cars
[5/25, 7:53 AM]: Chipanga says government ministers have misplaced priorities
[5/25, 7:54 AM]: Chipanga wraps corruption in Zimra
[5/25, 8:05 AM]: Chipanga encourages Mugabe to die in office

[5/25, 6:04 AM] Some ordinary people taking pictures in Harare central business district assaulted by Zanu PF youth
[5/25, 6:04 AM] Police vehicles seen ferrying Zanu PF supporters.
[5/25, 6:05 AM] Brisk business for vendors at the venue where President Mugabe is expected to address.
[5/25, 6:06 AM] Some youths seen drinking alcohol.
[5/25, 6:07 AM] Supporters sing "tsvangirai tengesa uone mashura"
[5/25, 6:07 AM]: Children also part of the march.
[5/25, 6:08 AM] Some supporters sing "havamborwara kunyeperana vakasimba Gushungo"
[5/25, 6:09 AM] Trucks and buses continue to ferry people to the venue of the gathering in the outskirts of the CBD.

[5/25, 6:10 AM] The open space near the Rainbow Towers is full of people clad in Zanu PF regalia
[5/25, 6:10 AM] Police on horsebacks patrolling
[5/25, 6:13 AM] Thousands of people are here but still far from a million.
[5/25, 6:13 AM] Some people leaving the venue to look for food in the CBD.
[5/25, 6:15 AM] Some MPs distributing alcoholic beverages.

Vehicles, some of them allegedly seized from schools, ferrying Zanu PF supporters to the million man march.

Part of the crowd participating in the million man march.

Police are monitoring the million man march in Harare.

The million man march was designed to attract at least one million marchers.

Some of the people at the million man march in Harare