[5/25, 8:49 AM] : We are now an independent Africa
[5/25, 8:58 AM] : I have never said I want to be the president
[5/25, 8:58 AM] : It's the people who chose me
[5/25, 9:01 AM] : Mugabe says it's not the norm for leaders to crave power, says some are consulting n'angas
[5/25, 9:02 AM] : Says factionalism is destroying the party
[5/25, 9:21 AM] : Mugabe calls for unity
[5/25, 9:23 AM] : No tribe should boast seniority over another tribe
[5/25, 9:24 AM] : We will give land to the youth,says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:28 AM] : Everyone has a right to have a stand regardless of political affiliation, says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:29 AM] : Youths should be in self-employment
[5/25, 9:32 AM] : Our youths must be disciplined and should avoid violence, says Mugabe
[5/25, 9:37 AM] : There must not be any discordant voices in the party
[5/25, 9:37 AM] : War veterans should work within the party
[5/25, 9:38 AM] : Little groups are treasonous
[5/25, 9:44 AM] : Food must not be distributed partisanly
[5/25, 9:48 AM] : Mugabe says to those calling for his retirement to go and hang
[5/25, 9:48 AM] : "I am not going anywhere", says Mugabe.
President Mugabe now addressing the crowd
[5/25, 8:12 AM]: Grace says Mugabe is irreplaceable
[5/25, 8:10 AM]: Graces says Mugabe was chosen by God
[5/25, 8:09 AM]: Grace addresses her husband as sekuru
[5/25, 8:07 AM]: Grace takes to the podium
[5/25, 7:49 AM]: Chipanga says production must increase to revive the economy
[5/25, 7:50 AM]: Chipanga attacks ministers for driving luxurious cars
[5/25, 7:53 AM]: Chipanga says government ministers have misplaced priorities
[5/25, 7:54 AM]: Chipanga wraps corruption in Zimra
[5/25, 8:05 AM]: Chipanga encourages Mugabe to die in office
[5/25, 6:04 AM] Some ordinary people taking pictures in Harare central business district assaulted by Zanu PF youth
[5/25, 6:04 AM] Police vehicles seen ferrying Zanu PF supporters.
[5/25, 6:05 AM] Brisk business for vendors at the venue where President Mugabe is expected to address.
[5/25, 6:06 AM] Some youths seen drinking alcohol.
[5/25, 6:07 AM] Supporters sing "tsvangirai tengesa uone mashura"
[5/25, 6:07 AM]: Children also part of the march.
[5/25, 6:08 AM] Some supporters sing "havamborwara kunyeperana vakasimba Gushungo"
[5/25, 6:09 AM] Trucks and buses continue to ferry people to the venue of the gathering in the outskirts of the CBD.
[5/25, 6:10 AM] The open space near the Rainbow Towers is full of people clad in Zanu PF regalia
[5/25, 6:10 AM] Police on horsebacks patrolling
[5/25, 6:13 AM] Thousands of people are here but still far from a million.
[5/25, 6:13 AM] Some people leaving the venue to look for food in the CBD.
[5/25, 6:15 AM] Some MPs distributing alcoholic beverages.