Ncube Wants SADC to Block Mugabe June Poll Date

  • Ntungamili Nkomo

Professor Welshman Ncube (right)

The Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) formation led by Welshman Ncube has asked the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to block attempts by President Robert Mugabe to call an election without comprehensive reforms that the party says would prevent another disputed outcome.

In a letter to SADC Troika chairman and Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, Ncube accused Mr. Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai of trying to fix the election date without consulting him as leader of the third party in the unity government.

Ncube’s letter, copied to South African President Jacob Zuma, says Zimbabwe is not ready for an election in June as demanded by Mugabe and his Zanu PF.

Ncube said instead of focusing on an election date, the government should focus on implementing the “election roadmap” of key reforms to avert “another disputed election outcome.”

Mr. Zuma said last weej he wanted the roadmap to be followed in order to address a number of issues.

Ncube MDC spokesman Nhlanhla Dube told VOA his party will insist on reforms before it commits to elections.

"It is not an issue of time and date," Dube said. "It is an issue of processes. What we want is the implementation of a roadmap that will prevent the 2008 scenario. We simply cannot afford that."

But Zanu-PF deputy information director Psychology Maziwisa insisted elections should be held no later than June.

"Ncube can write as many letters as he pleases ... We will not be forced to break our own laws," Maziwisa said.

"The elections should be held by the end of June when the lifespan of parliament expires, and that means elections should be held by end of June," he said.