The Affirmative Action Group (AAG) says the recent deal it struck with the Zimbabwe Diamond Technology Center for indigenous businesses to cut and polish Marange diamonds will benefit members of the black empowerment organization.
AAG President Supa Mandiwanzira said his movement will soon form 10 consortiums to venture into diamond cutting and polishing at the US$30 million center currently under construction in Harare.
Mandiwanzira said the AAG will set up an internal body to process applications from various companies and individuals affiliated to the organization.
Critics said it was likely the same businesspeople who have benefited from the indigenization process over the years will be at the forefront of this new venture.
Mandiwanzira told VOA Studio 7 reporter Gibbs Dube that if most AAG members do not apply for the few consortium slots, old beneficiaries of the black empowerment process will take charge.
Buletsi Nyathi of the Youth in Mining Council of Zimbabwe said it is clear that the indigenization process is designed to benefit people aligned to President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF.
Affirmative Action Group President Supa Mandiwanzira said his organization will soon set up 10 consortiums to venture into diamond cutting and polishing at the US$30 million diamond processing center currently under construction in Harare.