Zanu PF plans to roll out is programmes after winning general elections.
Zanu-PF representatives are expected to meet in Harare on Thursday with captains of industry and leaders of parastatals to discuss how best they can work together with the new government.
The party's secretary for business development and Small to Medium Enterprise Minister Sithembiso Nyoni told the state-contolled Herald newspaper that they will be inviting relevant ministers who will be expected to respond to questions and concerns from the business community.
The meeting, under the theme “Practical Approach to Issues”, will be used by Zanu-PF to roll out its election manifesto and promises that it will work towards the "real transformation of people’s lives".
Similar meetings will follow in Mutare and Masvingo provinces.
Management Solutions managing director and economist Luxon Zembe said as industry they welcome the Zanu-PF initiatives but hope that this time the government will implement whatever comes out of these meetings.
Zembe added that as business they were happy with government proposals to set up the Sovereign Wealth Fund that is meant to raise capital from internal resources to boost economic growth.