New Twist in Zimbabwe Civil Servants' Salary Negotiations

  • Jonga Kandemiiri
The Apex Council, which represents civil servants, says the government has responded to the request by the Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association and past Apex Council chairperson Tendai Chikowore seeking state recognition to spearhead salary negotiations with government representatives.

Apex Council chairman David Dzatsunga said in acknowledging receiving the letter, the government said it is now waiting for its legal team to advise whether Chikowore can take this role.

The move, that has caused serious divisions within civil servants’ unions, came as a result of stalled negotiations between the government and the unions after it snubbed the current Apex Council executive.

Meanwhile, Dzatsunga said some civil servants are bitterly disappointed that their pay slips for this month do not reflect the inflation-based increment promised by Finance Minister Tendai Biti,

Addressing a parliamentary pre-budget seminar in Victoria Falls in November last year, the minster said the salary increase was a government top priority.

Civil servants have been calling for the increase to reflect the poverty datum line and not inflation.

Dzatsunga said a meeting has been slated for next Tuesday for civil servants to map the way forward.

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Interview With David Dzatsunga