Mugabe's Party Dispatches Probe Team to Deal With Deepening Factionalism in Masvingo

A Zanu-PF probe team led by chairman Simon Khaya Moyo is now in the volatile Masvingo Province to try and address factionalism that might prove costly for the party in the forthcoming election.

Sources in Masvingo told VOA that some Provincial Cordinating Committee (PCC) members met last weekend and vowed to resist any attempts to dissolve the provincial leadership as has happened in Manicaland and Bulawayo.

Following the eruption of fresh clashes in Bulawayo and Manicaland, the Zanu-PF politburo appointed a team comprising Khaya Moyo, national commissar Webster Shamu, national secretary for security, Sydney Sekeramayi, and secretary for administration Didymus Mutasa to investigate the latest incidents of infighting and compile a report.

Khaya Moyo’s team is meeting the PCC, which comprises the party’s politburo, central committee, national consultative assembly, provincial and district executive members and representatives from the War Veterans Association.

The probe team’s visit follows a leaked letter allegedly authored by provincial political commissar, Tranos Huruva, who is also a member of parliament, calling for the disbandment of the provincial executive for allegedly refusing to take orders from Vvice President Joice Mujuru.

The executive is said to be sympathetic to Defense Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mrs. Mujuru and Mr. Mnangagwa are allegedly leading two factions battling to succeed the ageing President Mobert Mugabe. Mr. Mugabe turned 89 in February.

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Interview With Rugare Gumbo

Party spokesman Rugare Gumbo told VOA that the team is expected to finish its mission in two days.