Studio 7 Headlines, Wednesday, November 5, 2015

Thousands of commuters stranded in Bulawayo as commuter omnibuses pull off the road following clashes with the police.

Over 600 villagers in Chief Charumbira’s Nemamwa communal lands resist government efforts to move them from their homes to pave way for a multi-million dollar Chinese cement project.

Movement for Democratic Change leader Morgan Tsvangirai launches a meet the people tour, starting with rallies in Mashonaland Province.

And Michael Kariati says the Zimbabwean football family is unanimous in saying businessman Phillip Chiyanga should not take over the reigns at the Zimbabwe Football Association.

Stay tuned for these stories and more coming up on Studio 7 at 7:30 pm on 9-0-9 Medium Wave and on the 4-9-3-0, 5-9-4-0 and 1-5-4-6-0 shortwave frequencies. Please check us out on Facebook. We are also on WhatsApp and Twitter. Today on Livetalk our hosts on the Women’s Forum will lead discussions about domestic violence. Stay tuned!!!!!!