Studio 7 Headlines, Friday, July 29, 2016

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War veterans leaders Victor Matemadanda, secretary general of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, and Douglas Mahiya, secretary for information and publicity, who were arrested yesterday and Wednesday respectively following a move to dump President Robert Mugabe, are set to appear in court today. They are facing charges of contravening Section 22 (subverting a constitutional government) and or Section 33 (insulting the office of the president) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act.

Mandela Washington fellows, including 60 Zimbabweans, start wrapping up their six-week program. Some Zimbabweans have been attending an “Ideas Summit” at the William and Marry University in Virginia.

Zimbabwe’s Customs Department has impounded a book consignment brought into the country by one of the German exhibitors participating at the Zimbabwe International Book Fair.

And the Zimbabwe Olympic Games team is safely at its Olympics Village in Sao Paolo. Zimbabwe has sent its biggest ever contingent to the Olympic Games with 13 athletes and 18 soccer players out to do better than in 2012 when the team returned home empty-handed.

Stay tuned for these stories and more coming up on Studio 7 at 7:30 pm on 9-0-9 Medium Wave and on the 4-9-3-0, 5-9-4-0 and 1-5-4-6-0 shortwave frequencies. We also broadcast on Please check us out on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter.

This evening on Livetalk our hosts Blessing Zulu and Gibbs Dube will be talking with listeners about the arrest of war veterans and the deteriorating political situation in Zimbabwe. Participate by sending your messages on our WhatsApp number 001 202 465 0318. The number again 001 202 465 0318. You can also post comments on this Facebook wall or send us your number so we can call you back. Please note that we are livestreaming on all Studio 7 Facebook pages. Stay tuned!!!!!!

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Studio 7 Headlines, Friday, July 29, 2016