Brazil Overpowers Zimbabwe in Harare Friendly Match, Three Goals to Nil

  • Ntungamili Nkomo

The Brazilian national soccer team bested the Zimbabwe Warriors 3-0 on Wednesday afternoon in Harare, in a friendly match that delighted football fans but which critics called an expensive treat for a recovering country.

Brazil scored its first goal 40 minutes into the first half on a ground-hugging free kick by Michel Bastos. With the Warriors in disarray, Robinho pounced and doubled the tally for the five time FIFA World Cup champions.

The Zimbabweans gave a good account of themselves, nearly scoring in the starting minutes of the game when striker Knowledge Musona launched a powerful header that goal-keeper Julio Cesar however punched back into play.

Elano Ralph Blummer scored Brazil's third goal in the 54th minute on a pass from Julio Baptista, hammering home an elegant goal from close range with goalkeeper Edmore Sibanda out of position.

Brazilian management demanded a reported US$1.2 million appearance fee which Harare met with the help of corporate sponsors. Nonetheless, critics said the country could ill afford this with so many other critical needs to address.