Zimbabweans in Britain Set to Launch Charity Foundation

  • VOA News

Nomsa Nekevane and her colleagues in Britain taking care of the needy. (Photo: Nomsa Nekevane)

Some Zimbabweans living in Britain are setting up a charity organization for taking care of the needs of orphans in the southern African nation.

Nomsa Nekevane, who was born in Kezi, Matabeleland south province, says she is teaming up with Zimbabweans to help children parents died due to diseases like AIDS.

She said initially Mopane Foundation International started as a person projects but is now embracing her colleague living in Sheffield, Britain.

“We hope to launch the foundation soon and we are now looking at catering for the needs of many children in Zimbabwe,” she said.

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Interview With Nomsa Nekevane on Orphans

Zimbabwe has 1.1 million people living with HIV, including 150,000 children, according to the country's National AIDS Council.