Zimbabwe Constitution Select Committee to Select Outreach Rapporteurs

  • Jonga Kandemiiri
The three political parties in Harare's unity government have each demanded their own rapporteur on each of the 70 outreach teams to canvass the nation; the committee proposed just one rapporteur per team

The management committee in charge of Zimbabwe's constitutional revision process met in Harare on Tuesday to take up issues that have delayed rollout of the public outreach phase of the national exercise.

Sources said the panel focused on the selection of rapporteurs who will report public sentiment to the parliamentary select committee that is responsible for drafting the document. It also took up funding issues, they said.

The three political parties in Harare's unity government have each demanded their own rapporteur on each of the 70 outreach teams to canvass the nation; the committee proposed just one rapporteur per team.

Sources said the meeting also resolved to send a team to the United Nations Development Program to clarify the issue of expenses incurred during a recent two-week training workshop. Reports said donors were refusing to settle a US$930,000 bill submitted by the committee for the workshop.

Negotiators from the three unity government parties also attended the meeting.

Parliamentary Select Committee Co-Chairman Douglas Mwonzora told reporter Jonga Kandemiiri that the select committee will choose the rapporteurs.

Meanwhile, some civic groups that have been educating the public about the redrafting of the constitution said confusion in that process has left them at a loss, leading the to suspend their efforts.

Researcher Samukele Hadebe of the Matebeleland Constitutional Reform Agenda told VOA Studio 7 reporter Brenda Moyo that his group has encouraged people to be active in the process.