Food Security Experts Paint Grim Picture of Developing Situation in Zimbabwe

The Commercial Farmers Union warned this week that Zimbabwe was likely to need to import 1 million tonnes of maize, a staple food, given the combined effect of poor rains in the current cropping season and ongoing farm takeovers

Some agricultural experts are painting a grim picture of the outlook for Zimbabwe's food supply in 2010.

The Commercial Farmers Union warned this week that Zimbabwe might need to import 1 million tonnes of maize, a staple food, given the combined effect of poor rains and ongoing takeovers of white-owned commercial farms under land reform.

The Commercial Farmers Union said that Zimbabwe would be lucky if the 2010 harvest yields even 500,000 tonnes of maize.

The General Agricultural and Plantation Workers Union reported that labor shortages will also weigh on maize yields.

Midlands Chairman Peter Muchengeti of the National Association of Non-Governmental Organizations told VOA Studio 7 reporter Patience Rusere that malnutrition-related conditions such as kwashiorkor are being seen in some areas.