Zimbabweans in the diaspora said despite being far away from their home country, they are equally affected by the unfolding events, which requires them to support their relatives financially or emotionally.
Chairman Solomon “Sox” Chikowero of the Global Zimbabwe Forum in Johannesburg, South Africa, many Zimbabweans living in the diaspora are bearing the cost of the country's hardships.
“The issues that are happening home, whether be political, economic or social, they are affecting us because we are now the ones funding the Zimbabwe economy,” Chikowero said.
Chikowero said that Zimbabweans in the diaspora have the obligation to change things through engaging with the government and fully participating in activities that help build the nation.
He said those in the diaspora must do away with political differences and start working together to rebuild the nation.
“And the starting point for working together is for the government to recognize us first through allowing us to have dual citizenship and voting from our bases.
"If the government can accept that we are Zimbabweans, we can contribute to Zimbabwe not only economically but also politically and socially, then they must start negotiations, they must start dialogue with the diaspora so that by the next general elections, people are allowed to vote from wherever they are."
Chikowero said dialogue between the Zimbabweans abroad and the government has always been there but what is needed now is for the government to seriously consider them as part of the equation in rebuilding the economy. He said his group has engaged government on several occasions.
"They have got our proposals, they have got our notes, they've got everything with them. What is remaining is for them to wake up from their sleep and say wait, these guys from the diaspora, these are their proposals.
Zimbabweans in the diaspora have been helping in propping up the economy ever since the government adopted the multi-currency regime.
Last year alone they remitted estimated $1 billion.
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Interview With Solomon Chikowero